Seeking God Evelyn Sherwood  

Lessons Found in the Fox Den

At the end of our property sits a tiny piece of land surrounded by a charming forest. Over the years, Steve and I have watched this wooded area become home to many of God’s creatures. This year, a momma fox and four baby pups have found this woodland the perfect place for their den.

Like waiting for a theatrical presentation, our neighborhood tunes in from dusk to dawn in hopes of spying on this furry family as it emerges from the tree line to have a playful romp in the field.

So, it was no surprise to me last week when my four granddaughters asked if I would take them on a hunt through the forest to spy on a fox cub. How could I say “no”?

We pulled on boots and spritzed ourselves with bug spray. Then we bravely marched out of our backyard garden gate and hiked to the tiny field. The volume of their excited chatter escalated with each step we took. As we approached the tree line, I lifted a finger to my lips and whispered, “Shhh, we don’t want to scare them away. Let’s be quiet.”

A holy hush came over the girls. We paused momentarily before stepping through the curtain of honeysuckle limbs into our enchanted forest.

Carefully we tiptoed over fallen logs, prickly berry stems, and twisted limbs covered in ivy. This trek into the woods did not disappoint. Moments after we entered the canopy of trees, we spied a bushy red tail popping up out of a twiggy teepee. Squeals of delight escaped the girls. “Nay nay, do you see it? It is one of the babies!” From that moment on, there was no shushing. Startled by our presence, the baby fox ran deeper into the woods as the girls’ symphony of pure joy flooded this living amphitheater.

As I watched the scene unfold, the familiar nudge of my Father began to tug at my heart. God was about to use this little adventure with the girls to return my heart to His.

When you come looking for me,
you’ll find me.
Yes, when you get serious about finding me
and want it more than anything else,
I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.

-Jeremiah 29:13 (MSG)

When sitting with others in their pain and fear, I often remind them to look for God in the middle of the mess. I say, “He never leaves us but sits with us in all circumstances.” And yet somehow, the very thing I encouraged others to practice had escaped me, and I didn’t realize it.

For the past several weeks, the brokenness of our world has loomed large in front of me. Instead of waking up and allowing the wonder of God’s presence to captivate my attention, the cares of the day stand tall, blocking my view of Him.

But tucked in this wooden chapel, surrounded by giggling girls, I hear God whisper, Ev, when was the last time you sought me? You have been wandering in the woods of fear, doubt, and uncertainty. You have allowed your heart to shift from seeking Me to striving in your own strength. But you were meant to thrive. You have forgotten that I am here.”

He was right. I had forgotten. Funny how quickly our memory of His faithfulness fades in extended seasons of trouble. We may enter a trial and stand firm as an oak tree for a time but become weary as the vines of adversity wrap their way around our hearts.

“Ok, God, how do I get back to your heart, ways, and presence surrounding me?”

His answer to that question was simple, “Seek me first, with all your heart. Approach your day the same way your granddaughters approached their fox hunt. Enter your day with laser focus- looking for me at every turn. I am near. When the world’s cares threaten to rise and block me from your view, quiet yourself and look for me. I promise you will find me when you hunt for me.” (Duet. 4:29, Prov. 8:17, Matt. 7:7, Luke 11:9)

Friends, the noise level of our world is loud, warring for your soul.  And in the battle for your allegiance, it is easy to slip into a mindset of striving like everything depends on us.  But God is calling us to seek Him first, passionately, with all we have. And in His presence, peace, hope, joy, love, comfort, and rest abide.

So, what do you say? Let’s go on the God hunt today.

Until next time, let’s find hope in the journey.


6 thoughts on “Lessons Found in the Fox Den

  1. David Sherwood

    Thank you for the reminder. I am about to take an adventure of a lifetime and absolutely as always need not only His presence but my awareness of same. Please pray for us: 2adults 1 ten year old and a 4 year old special little boy are headed for Texas. We dare not take a single step w/o relying on Our Heavenly Father

    1. Evelyn Sherwood

      David, I am sorry for the delayed response. But know you are being prayed for regularly.

  2. Paul Plavnick

    Thank you for the reminder to seek out the realization of His ever-present care and love!

    1. Evelyn Sherwood

      We all need those reminders that anchor our hearts to the faithfulness and character of God. I am right there with you, friend.

  3. Kathy

    As always, our good good Father uses your real life experiences to beautifully illustrate His truths and promises. I am so grateful He does and thankful for your willingness to share.

    1. Evelyn Sherwood

      Thank you for being a continued source of encouragement along the journey. I am amazed at the ways God shows up in our everyday moments.

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