Our 30th wedding anniversary was fast approaching and hubby was in full gift-searching mode. His research had led him to the knowledge that something “pearl” was the traditional gift for the 30th. “Babe, if you were given the choice of a lovely pearl necklace or a clubhouse, which would you rather have?”
To anyone else, this question may seem rather odd, but this man knows me. He had been hearing my desire to build a clubhouse for the “Grands” for at least a year. While the thought of finally owning a lovely piece of costly jewelry was enticing, I must confess the thought of a clubhouse made my heart skip a beat.
The look in my eye and the giggle that caught in my throat gave it away before I ever voiced, “Hon, as much as I love that you thought of buying me fine jewelry, I love even more than you knew my heart’s desire was found elsewhere.” It was settled.
Construction began and a clubhouse now resides in our backyard.
Like the welcoming sign on a front porch or entryway, I wanted this clubhouse to say to our “Grands” that they were welcome here. There is space here for you. What I didn’t anticipate was the life lessons and wonder that would invade my heart as we shared moments “in the clubhouse”.
Life moves too fast, like the rushing current of a swift-moving river, it can erode our souls and wear us thin. But when we slow down enough to rest in the moments we are given, the eyes of our hearts begin to take in the beauties we miss in the rush.
And just as the clubhouse is a haven for our family to pull away from the demands of the world, I pray this space, Hope for the Journey, will be a place of refuge for your weary hearts.
But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11
2 Responses
God has definitely gifted you at writing
Thank you, Sandy. You are always so encouraging.