I Need My Baby Jesus

By Evelyn Sherwood

December 20, 2018

Dear friends, sometimes you hear a story and you know it is one that should be shared. The message it carries cuts through the complexities of life and calls us to breathe. My daughter, Stephanie Young, mother of four and passionate lover of Jesus conveyed such a story this week. So, I have invited her to share a moment of hope with all of you.
Welcome Steph.

Evelyn Sherwood

My life tends to be a mad dash from one thing to the next. Then God sends those little moments, the ones that remind me to breathe. These moments stop me in my tracks and remind me of His eternal value. Yesterday held one such moment.

In a rush to get to a meeting I quickly ushered the kids out the door, careful to grab toys for the 3-year-old to keep him busy. With everyone secured in their seats, we were off to our destination. “Little Man” begins to loudly declare “I don’t have my baby Jesus, I need my baby Jesus!” My first temptation is to react in frustration at his little plea. Then, I hear that whisper “There’s more here than you can see.” I breathe a prayer “Father, don’t let me miss this moment.”

“Buddy, what baby Jesus do you need?”

“My baby Jesus…I need MY Baby Jesus!”

His all too wise 5-year-old sister proclaims “You know, if you have big Jesus in your heart, you have baby Jesus there too! Then He’s ALWAYS with you, and you’re never alone!”

I pull the car over, look into His very serious little face and ask “Bub, do you want Jesus in your heart” With a nod he replies “Jesus in my heart!”
“Then let’s pray and ask Him to come in.” With the most eager little face I have seen, my little man prayed “Jesus, Come in my heart, AMEN!”
That moment was so brief but it is etched into my heart. My sweet little boy’s heart cry was simple…just to have his baby Jesus. What if, in that tiny moment, that little heartfelt cry held an invitation for Christ to enter in.

No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him,
and I will raise him to life on the last day.

John 6:44

The fears of the world creep into my mind, What if he doesn’t understand? Don’t make a big deal of this, he’s only 3. Now he knows, will you live it in front of him? Then, again that gentle whisper “I made them. I love them more than you do. You cannot do this alone. Walk with me, I’ve got this. I have them. I have you.” As I step back, I watch as Father God does the work and calls hearts to Himself. How else could a 3-year-old cry out for baby Jesus in his heart or a 5-year-old declare that “Jesus is Lord of all” as she sings to her audience of One?

Like a shepherd, he tends his flock.
He gathers the lambs in his arms,
carries them close to his heart,
and gently leads the mother sheep.

Isaiah 40:11

My heart breathes…

Yes, Jesus, come reside in my heart this Christmas. Let my eyes be opened to see as a child, the wonders of the manger. For in that little stable my hope was born, my strength is found. Don’t let me miss baby Jesus as I rush from one thing to the next. May You be my most important treasure. Let me make big of You this Christmas. May my heart like that of my precious boy, cry out ‘I need my baby Jesus!’