Building Hope for Your Family

By Evelyn Sherwood

March 25, 2020

The aftermath of the day has settled into silence. Steve has gone to bed and the house is quiet, all but the hum of the dishwasher.

It feels odd to admit that the day has settled, considering the upheaval we have all experienced this week. But here I sit, soaking in a moment of stillness and solitude. I don’t know how God does it. But when I quiet myself before Him and wait, He calms my anxious heart with His peace. 

Here’s what I’ve learned through it all,

Don’t give up; don’t be impatient;
be entwined as one with the Lord.
Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope.
Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you!

Psalm 27:14 (TPT)

He sits here with me as I replay the events of the week

  • The decision to self-quarantine due to Steve’s health issues
  • Fighting back moments of panic 
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the outpouring of God’s grace
  • Scrambling to figure out how to pastor a church while isolated
  • Witnessing people rise above fear and love others in need
  • Trying to figure out ways to stay connected with the family from a distance
  • Waking up with creative ideas to encourage others

Through the highs and lows, He has carried me. And not just during this crisis, but through a lifetime of joys and sorrows

I remember the first time I understood that God sat with me in the pain. Steve and I had been married for just a few months when he got laid off from his job. We were optimistic at first. But as days turned into weeks with no job on the horizon, depression crept into Steve’s heart.

One evening in particular, as he approached the house, I could tell by the slumped shoulders depression was settling into despair. His gaze did not meet mine that night. Instead, he collapsed into bed while I collapsed onto our living room floor. How could I encourage him? What would it take to turn the tide of despair that was flooding our home? Tears flooded my face as I cried out to God.

Wall of Hope Printables

God heard my cries. One by one He brought to mind moments that He had used Steve to bring encouragement to hurting hearts. My tears of sorrow turned to tears of joy as faces passed through my memory.

Then, I had an idea. What if I gathered photos of all those faces and lined the hallway outside our bedroom with them? It would be like a “hall of faith”.

I went to work. Outside the sky was black, lit only by specs of starlight. But that little hallway was glowing with the glory of God’s grace as I taped each picture to the wall.

Even now, I smile as I recall the impact a “hall of faith” had on my hubby’s weary heart. God used that simple act of intentional remembrance to renew our home with hope.

Throughout the scriptures, we see this practice played out. Noah was given a rainbow after the flood to remind him God would never destroy the earth by flood again. The children of Israel were given the Passover to remind them of their freedom from captivity. Moses and the Israelites had the Ark of Covenant (or testimony) which contained a jar of mana, stone tablets, and Aaron’s rod, all reminders of God’s providence and provision

God wants us to remember that He is faithful. If we are not intentional about pausing to remember, we are destined to forget.

We are facing a difficult time in the history of mankind. Although we are familiar with trials, we have not seen one as far-reaching in our time. What steps can we take to anchor us to the faithfulness of God during this crisis? How can we help guide our children and grandchildren to look for the blessings of God in the middle of the brokenness?

These are the questions I have been asking. I believe that is why God took me back to that first year of our marriage. It is time to construct a place where we remember who our God is, what His promises are, and the grace He offers in our time of trouble. 

I would love to help you! Taking a cue from that “hall of faith”, I have partnered with my dear friend Shakti to design a “Wall of Hope”. This printable download consists of a set of 4×6 cards along with an instruction guide. This tool will lead your family on the journey to gather evidence of God at work in the middle of your daily lives.  Just click this link to access Wall Of Hope“.

Yet I still dare to hope when 
I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends!
His mercies never cease.

Lamentations 3:21-22

History is being written. It is time for us to rise and stand firm on the hope found in the faithfulness of God.