When Serving Leaves You Weary

By Evelyn Sherwood

November 7, 2018

Tired…bone tired…the kind of tired that causes every muscle in your body to scream.  You wonder if you will have the strength to take the next step.  Exhaustion so overwhelming that you hope what you are saying makes sense to your listener because you are not sure that the words coming out of your mouth are the same ones swimming around in the deep fog your brain has entered.  Have you been there?  I have.  These are the seasons of life that we drift in and out of, whether by unforeseen circumstances or choices we have made to help those in need.  Perhaps the worst part of these seasons is a weariness of heart creeps in.  Weariness can lead to self-pity.  Self-pity can lead to feelings of entitlement. Entitlement can lead down the path to griping and criticizing.  What a tragedy that what started out as lending a hand to help others can lead to such a negative mindset.

As a child, I memorized,

Let us not be weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not

Galatians 6:9

Exhaustion did not seem to visit me much as a child, but as an adult, it knocks at my door frequently.  This verse makes more sense as each day passes.  And it breathes hope.  It is a reminder that my Father knows that life would chip away at my strength and those feelings of exhaustion would take up residence.   So, He gave encouragement.  A harvest will come as a result of the good deeds that are sown if we do not faint.  It is imperative not to lose hope.  How is that accomplished when it doesn’t appear that our circumstances are going to change anytime soon, requiring even more strength?

Thank you, Lord, that you gave me two hands to reach out to the hurting.  There was enough food in our cabinets to prepare a meal for someone in need.  As I ran a multitude of errands today, I had transportation to get me where I was going.  Your provision is more than enough.  Thank You.  And Father, bless each moment that You gave me to serve.  May each seed of kindness sown, grow the light of Your love.

Give thanks…and bless.